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Volunteer Jen Shares What She Learned in Bangladesh


Jen Preston, pictured here at home with her child, has been a volunteer with the Bangladesh Health Project since she completed her final nursing practicum in 2012 at the International University of Business, Agriculture and Technology.  In her words, the experience, “enriched my life and furthered my aspirations, but more importantly, I think it represents a form of international development that aligns with my ideals of what an ethical approach looks like.”

In a presentation at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver about the Bangladesh Health Project, Jen shared the things that she learned in Bangladesh, notably, that education can create sustainable change, that education and employment can empower women and students from a low socio-economic status, and—specifically in regard to the Project—that educating nurses from rural areas can contribute to access to health care outside of urban centres.  She emphasized the grassroots nature of the project and appreciates that it has grown through partnerships and a commitment to local leadership.  Jen says, “I value that the curriculum is embedded with the core philosophies of the Bangladeshi Health Care system and that it addresses both the strengths and challenges of nursing and healthcare delivery in the country.”

Thanks to Jen for sharing her experience, and for her invaluable volunteer efforts.
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