We are grateful to many people who have helped the Bangladesh Health Project this year: In Canada, we thank Mid Main Community Health Centre, especially Directors Deirdre Evans and John Richards and Executive Director Irene Clarence (check out the new website at www.midmain.net ). Christina Paone (www.paonecreative.com ) designs our website and communications. VCC faculty, Kathy Fukuyama, Susan McNeill and VCC students raised funds to support their classmates’ inaugural visit to IUBAT. Melodie Hull, Tracy Lee, Rabiya Merani, Mohammed Morshed and Susie Wai supported various activities. Library staff at the College of Registered Nurses of BC passed along surplus books. In Bangladesh, visiting faculty during 2011 included Murad Bakht, Alex Berland, Moira Cameron, Monique de Groot, Dan Hawkins, JoAnn Leavey, Karen Lund (shown in this photo), Andrea Marrie, Gillian McKay, Susan McNeill, Sonie Meyer, Judi Morton, Linda Rollins, John Ringhisen, Ray Scott, Sam Simpson and Permjit Soomal. We appreciate their dedication.