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New equipment for OIST

Oasis Institute for Science and Technology now has 58 students in its two diploma programs, Civil Engineering and Computer Science. As these students advance every semester, they need additional lab equipment for subjects such as engineering drawing, Python programming, graphics design, digital electronics, accounting, Java, web design and development, computer and microprocessor architecture, data communications, structural mechanics, surveying, construction processes, estimating and costing, geo-technical engineering, hydrology etc.  Financing expensive lab equipment is always a challenge, with some items each costing many thousands of dollars. Fortunately, during 2023 generous donors had contributed enough that we could spend $10,000 CAD for lab equipment in addition to our regular subsidy of faculty salaries. We are still catching-up the requirements for our students’ needs, but as you can see from the photo, the latest acquisitions will make a big difference.

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