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How nurses coped during the pandemic

IUBAT faculty recently published “Coping strategies that motivated frontline nurses while caring for COVID-19 patients.” College of Nursing faculty Moustaq Rony and Kanika Islam were mentored by Hasnat Alamgir, Professor of Public Health to develop this scoping review. The authors identified 44 strategies that motivated nurses, categorized into five main themes: nurses' self-strategies, nurses' strategies at the ethical level, employers' strategies, nursing leaders' strategies and supplementary strategies. They conclude, “Nurses acted by adapting different strategies to continue taking care of patients in hostile environments and these strategies helped them maintain emotional stability while doing their duty in difficult situations. …This study provides novel and distinctive data on nurse resiliency from the viewpoints of individuals, nursing teams and nursing leadership.”

Rony MKK, Islam K, Alamgir HM. Coping strategies that motivated frontline nurses while caring for the COVID-19 patients during the pandemic: A scoping review.J Nurs Manag. 2022 Sep;30(6):1881-1891. doi: 10.1111/jonm.13644. Epub 2022 May 23. PMID: 35483749; PMCID: PMC9115125.

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