Country-wide exams are a requirement for students studying civil engineering and computer technologies at Oasis Institute for Science and Technology. At the end of each school year, the Bangladesh government issues these standardized tests to assess students’ progress with the national curriculum for each subject. In recent exams, OIST students in both programs performed extremely well, with a pass rate of 85% for first-year students compared to an average passing rate of 25% in the seven other polytechnic colleges in the area. For second year students, the passing rate was 84% compared to 33% elsewhere. Looking only at the highest grades, 31% of first year and 63% of second year OIST students scored over 3.25 out of a possible 4.0, compared to averages of 9% and 14% at the other colleges. Congratulations to the students for their good work.
Congratulations also to OIST faculty who prepared the students so well. We are grateful for this highly dedicated group, who also make extra effort outside class time to coach students in professional behaviour and English, which are not covered in the required curriculum. During a spring 2024 site visit, OFP Founder Rabiul Islam and BHP Directors John Richards and Alex Berland met with faculty at OIST. When asked about their priorities for OIST, the faculty mentioned computer hardware and software, classroom furniture and materials-testing equipment for the skills lab.
OIST supports a major goal of the Bangladesh Health Project by creating the conditions for healthy lives through professional education for youth in the poorest division of Bangladesh. Starting a private non-profit college is a big task, however. Each year as students progress to new learning challenges, we need to purchase more sophisticated equipment for the skills labs. We rely on donor contributions to purchase learning tools and equipment for the civil engineering and computer technologies programs. If you would like to support development of these training resources, please visit our donations page or contact us directly.