For many of our Bangladeshi partners, 2022 was yet another test of the nation’s famed resilience - coping with Covid, global economic pressures and an unusually heavy monsoon. Health care and education remain our focus areas, and we have fulfilled these with on-going and new projects. We are so grateful for your support and desire to work with us as we continue in solidarity with our partners. This report describes project developments, partner stories, and the difference that we have made together.
During 2022 we continued to work closely with our Bangladesh NGO partner Oasis for Posterity. Donor funding was directed to a new health screening program and two vocational training programs as well as our ongoing work with the primary school. There is much going on, so we have produced a separate annual report for OFP.
We updated our website https://www.bangladeshhealthproject.com/ The site blog contains the latest BHP news, including stories from IUBAT College of Nursing graduates about their career progress.
In 2022, one of our major fund-raising goals was to cover first-year tuition costs for an IUBAT BScN grad who is starting post-graduate studies at Oxford University Nuffield Department of Women’s and Reproductive Health His on-site studies will begin later in 2023.
We were unsuccessful in registering as a charity with Canada Revenue Agency. Donations through Mid-Main Community Health Centre are still eligible for CRA tax-deductible receipts because we use these only for health care and health care education purposes. Unfortunately, donations for our educational projects, such as Bluebell Primary School and OIST vocational college are not tax-deductible. We are extremely grateful for all contributions and spend 100% on project activities - our volunteer directors cover all administrative costs.
Open Educational Resources create further benefit from our earlier curriculum work at IUBAT College of Nursing. We collaborate with Nurses International to make these resources freely available to nurse educators globally. Our latest contribution has been program administration materials as well as research publications. A related project is support for training home support staff working with a Dhaka-based NGO.
Our proposal for a Masters program in Public Health was approved by the university and the regulator, but did not proceed due to low enrollment. Instead, we are now coaching a group enrolled in MPH studies through Public Health U. Our goal is to support students to take leadership roles in public health careers.
How you can support the Bangladesh Health Project
Donations for educational programs through OfP. Our top priority is to raise US$ 10,000 a year for the primary and pre-primary schools. At the vocational college, your donation will help pay for laboratory equipment for engineering, computer science and community health worker training.
Volunteer visiting faculty are once again welcome at IUBAT College of Nursing. We also need a volunteer with social media skills to assist with communications to supporters.
Please contact us with questions, suggestions or support BangladeshHealthProject@gmail.com