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Health and social policy briefs

For many years, John Richards arranged for Simon Fraser University students to spend a term in Bangladesh at IUBAT. Many of the students wrote their Masters thesis at SFU based on a project at IUBAT. John published these as monographs for IUBAT’s Centre for Policy Research.

In Monographs #7 - #12, which refer to health policy, the students worked with local experts. Dr. Karen Lund helped with #7, “Benchmarking the Nutritional Status of Women in the Tongi-Ashulia Road Slums.” BRAC staff helped with #8 “Improving Nutritional Status for Women in Low-Income Households” and #9 “Education Success and Nutrition: Is there a link?” Alex Berland wrote on nursing policy in #10 “Advancing Nurse Education in Bangladesh."

Dr. Nazmul Huda helped with #11 “Does More Money Mean Better Health?” For many of these monographs, John was not only editor and publisher but also a co-author, including #12, “Reducing Under-Five Mortality.” An IUBAT alumnus has created a good web site containing pdfs of all these monographs.

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